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Kansas City a hot spot for car accidents involving deer

Drivers always need to be aware of other vehicles on the road. This time of year, motorists throughout the nation have another thing to worry about when driving. Deer are more prone to jump into the road causing motor vehicle accidents. While these incidents occur in many Missouri communities, the odds of such an incident occurring are highest in Kansas City. The Missouri Highway Patrol reports that between 2007 and 2011, a total of 1,262 crashes involving deer occurred.  This number of crashes is significantly higher than the number of crashes in the next highest community, Lee’s Summit. During that same period a total of 265 such crashes occurred there. 

The reason for the increased activity of deer this time of year is that it is their mating season. This causes them to move around more as the males seek to establish their territory and often causes deer to act more unpredictably. In addition, the harvest pushes the animals out of their usual hiding places, sometimes onto area roads.

Drivers in the Kansas City area need to pay attention while on the roads since the outcome of these crashes can be devastating. The force of impact when a car collides with a large animal can inflict serious injuries. In the worst cases, death will result. In 2011, throughout the state of Missouri, the Missouri Department of Transportation reported that 3,980 such accidents occurred. Of that number, 411 people were hurt and five individuals died.

Most would agree that it is important to be aware of one’s surroundings while driving. While this is always true, because of the movement of these animals, it is particularly true this time of year. Accordingly, it is a good idea to take extra care while on Kansas City area roads

Source: St. Louis Today, “Deer pose highway hazard during mating season,” Oct. 26, 2013
