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Nursing Home Neglect

The Kansas City nursing home lawyers at the Carter Law Offices are committed to making a difference in the quality of long-term care. By making nursing homes accountable to pay damages for your loved one’s injuries or abuse, we hope to convince these facilities to change their practices so other families are spared the same tragedy.

Our legal team has had notable success in nursing home litigation, prosecuting dozens of cases since 1996. We serve the Kansas City metro area and surrounding counties, practicing in both Missouri and Kansas. If your elderly parent or family member suffered injury or died because of substandard care or abuse, call our nursing home attorneys at 816-283-3500 for a free consultation.

What Sets Us Apart?

In addition to our years of experience handling these types of claims, we have a registered nurse on staff who helps us identify medical issues. We are committed to providing our clients with the best representation possible. To do this, we thoroughly examine every claim.

We Have a Strong Track Record of Fighting Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly

Carter Law Offices has recovered monetary compensation for medical treatment, permanent disability and emotional impact of:

What Happens if There Is a Failure To Monitor?

Nursing home staffers are the eyes and ears for the doctor and the family. When a patient’s declining health goes unnoticed because of understaffing or negligent care, it can lead to serious illness, or trips to the ER.

Nursing homes are businesses. These entities often cut costs whenever the law allows, and in some cases, where the law does not allow. These institutions will staff as few members as possible in order to minimize their costs and maximize their profits. When too few well-trained staff members are entrusted to monitor too many residents, the common result is that avoidable injuries and illnesses occur and they are not reported and treated in a timely fashion.

Our lawyers will undertake a complete investigation of how and why your loved one was injured. If the nursing home was not appropriately staffed, we will find it out. We are dedicated to helping you get full damages. Our on-staff registered nurse can help assess the severity of the injury and appropriate monetary damages for the medical treatment and reduced quality of life from a serious injury. We are also dedicated to changing the way nursing homes do business. This can help ensure that other nursing home residents in the future do not have to suffer.

Investigating Malnutrition And Dehydration Issues

Proper nutrition and proper amounts of fluid are vital for people living in nursing homes. Malnutrition or dehydration can lead to falls and other serious injuries. Dehydration can also contribute to the development of bedsores and make it harder for the body to recover from a sore once it develops. In every nursing home neglect or abuse claim, our lawyer and staff will look closely to see whether or not your loved one was receiving proper amounts of food and water.

Specific Experience in Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home cases are not like other personal injury or medical malpractice cases. Attorney Doug Carter has chaired the Nursing Home Negligence Committee of the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association. He knows the specific statutes and health regulations pertaining to nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Our on-staff registered nurses know the accepted standards of medical care for these facilities. Working as a team, we examine nursing home records for evidence of mistakes, lapses and intentional acts. We also interview and depose current and former employees of the facility.


Contact Us Today

Contact Carter Law Offices today if your loved one has suffered abuse in a Kansas City area nursing home. Our elder abuse attorneys are compassionate to your legal needs and can discuss your case and the signs of elder abuse with you. We extend a free case evaluation and work on a contingency fee. Call 816-283-3500 today.