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Motorcycles and auto product defects

Many Missouri residents choose to travel the state via a motorcycle. For these people, a motorcycle is not only a fast and efficient way to see the state, but it helps save money on gas and car maintenance. These smaller vehicles are also fun to ride and provide a unique entertainment experience.

However, as many motorcyclists know, driving a motorcycle can come with a variety of risks. Often these risks come from other drivers who fail to notice motorcycles on the road. These drivers are often negligent or act recklessly around motorcycles.

Motorcyclists can also face dangers from the bike itself. Just like with cars, motorcycles can be subject to auto part defects. From time to time, motorcycle manufacturers can produce a product that does not function properly. These defects may cause hazards to drivers and other people on the road.

Both cars and motorcycles are covered under federal safety standards. Specifically, the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 applies to motorcycles. Under this federal regulation, manufacturers are required to replace products that are defective. When an auto product recall is ordered, manufacturers must replace the product for consumers for free. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration overseas these recalls just like with cars.

Also like cars, when a recall is issued, the manufacturer is responsible for notifying any motorcycle owner of the recall. Under federal regulations, the manufacturer must describe the remedy and list the schedule for the recall, in addition to describing the problem to consumers.

Unlike many other vehicles, motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on Missouri roadways. When the danger comes from the motorcycle itself, motorcyclists need to make sure they understand their legal rights. An attorney may be able to help explain a person’s options when an injury is caused by product defect. Negligent manufacturers might be held responsible for the motorcyclist’s injuries.
