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Are you being sexually harassed online by a coworker?

When people face sexual harassment at their workplace, many people will tolerate the abuse believing that it will stop once they go home. However, technology can make it easier for harassers to reach their victims. Whether you work in an office or you work online, you could be sexually harassed by a coworker.

Online sexual harassment can follow you everywhere you go. You may no longer feel safe whether you are at work, in public or at home. If you are a victim of online sexual harassment, here is what you should know;

What are the signs of online sexual harassment?

Inappropriate pictures or videos of sexual acts, images of a coworker’s appendage or comments of a sexual nature are all forms of sexual harassment that a coworker may display online. Online sexual harassment is not always obvious, however. For example, social media stalking may not be obvious, but it could be a sign of harassment. Repeated requests to go out on a date even after being declined could also be sexual harassment. Knowing the signs of sexual harassment can help you take the next steps to prevent it.

What can you do to prevent online sexual harassment?

If you are being sexually harassed online by a coworker, then you have a few options. You could block your coworker from messaging or calling you. You could also set your social media accounts to private. However, this may not stop your harasser, especially if you have to keep constant communication with them for work. 

If you are being sexually harassed online by a coworker, your best option may be to file a harassment report. Legal guidance can help you to take action against your harasser. 
