When a coworker makes sexual comments in the workplace, it could be a form of discrimination or harassment. For instance, it may create a hostile work environment if employees feel like they are always being belittled or attacked due to their gender, sexual orientation or something of this nature.
However, when these workers speak up, a common excuse that their coworkers will use is saying that it was “just a joke.” The offensive comments that they made were not intended to be insulting, but funny. Often, they will even attempt to turn the situation around by blaming the victim for “being too sensitive” or not having a sense of humor.
You don’t have to accept this excuse
If you’re in this position, the abusive coworker may just be trying to gaslight you. They are pretending the problem lies with you and blaming you for the way that their comments make you feel. But the truth is that those “jokes” are still a form of sexual harassment, and they certainly may be illegal – no matter what your coworker claims.
As a result, it’s a good idea to begin making a list of events and gathering documentation. If the harassment happens online, save those email messages, text messages or social media messages. If it happens in person, make a note of what comments were said, how they took place and who else may have witnessed the event.
Essentially, you’re just creating a paper trail showing that the harassment is intentional and that it happens on a continuous basis. From there, it may be time to start looking into all of your legal options, as no worker deserves to be harassed or discriminated against on the job.