No one deserves to be sexually harassed at work. It is unfair, and it is illegal.
If you believe that you have been sexually harassed at work, there are some things you should remember not to do. Making these mistakes could hurt your case and ability to hold others accountable for their actions.
Deleting evidence
The first thing to avoid doing is deleting evidence of sexual harassment. You need to be sure that you get as much evidence as you can to support your claim. Keep emails, record times of interactions and document all witnesses.
Harassing your harasser
Sometimes, people think that they should fight back against the harasser by harassing them back. This is a normal response but is retaliatory and won’t help your case. Don’t harass them. Don’t do anything except for telling them to stop their offensive behavior.
Letting your employers talk you down
You need to go to your supervisor, the human resources department or your employer about the issue when you can. If you go to them and they say they will handle the issue, you should give them some time to do so. However, if they act like this isn’t a big deal, you need to make sure they understand that you are taking it seriously and will take legal action if they don’t correct the problem.
Not retaining an attorney
Don’t make the mistake of not getting an attorney. When you speak with an attorney, they’ll go over everything you need to know about making a claim that you were sexually harassed at work. If you don’t get the support of your attorney, it’s possible that you could make mistakes that hurt your case, so it’s wise to talk to one as soon as you can.
No one should have to deal with sexual harassment at work
As an employee, it is your right to work without having to deal with sexual harassment on the job. If your employer isn’t taking steps to protect your rights or you are facing unfair, upsetting harassment on the job, you have an opportunity to make a claim and hold them accountable.