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Vigilance is critical to spot nursing home abuse

Nursing home residents deserve to receive proper care from the staff members of the facility where they’re living. It’s unacceptable to think about any of these residents being abused or neglected while they’re in their new home. Unfortunately, abuse and neglect in these facilities are far more common than some people realize. 

One issue that contributes to the higher prevalence of these issues is that the residents won’t always speak up about what’s going on. In some cases, their silence is due to fear of repercussions if they speak out. In others, it’s because they don’t want to “rock the boat.”

How can loved ones spot signs of abuse and neglect in a nursing home?

Since there’s a chance that the nursing home resident won’t speak out, it’s largely up to their loved ones to be vigilant about spotting what’s going on. There are several things that you can look for when you’re visiting a resident. Some of these might even be present in phone calls. 

Many people focus on things like broken bones, cuts, and bruises when they’re looking for signs of nursing home abuse. While these are the easiest to see, you also need to look for these signs:

  • Withdrawn behaviors: A resident who’s being abused may seem withdrawn because they fear their communication is being monitored by the staff members at the facility.
  • Isolation: Residents who are being abused or neglected might be isolated from other residents so they don’t have the opportunity to speak out about what’s happening.
  • Inappropriate dressing: One sign of neglect is not wearing clothing that’s appropriate for the current conditions.
  • Poor hygiene: A resident not being clean, including failing to bathe, brush their teeth or keep up with their hair, is a sign of neglect.

Legal action is possible when a resident is being abused or neglected. This should be done swiftly so the atrocities can stop and the resident can receive compensation.
