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What makes a hostile work environment claim valid?

Various issues, such as workplace discrimination, may impact an organization’s overall health. Employees may experience misconduct or inappropriate behavior at work because of their race, gender, age, disability or other qualities. Some cases may be so severe that discrimination becomes a condition they must endure to make a living, potentially making the work environment hostile.

Fortunately, employers have the legal liability to address these issues contributing to the hostility. Employees can initiate resolution by reporting incidents or filing a hostile work environment claim. However, various factors may impact its validity, including the following:

  • The complaint consistently matches the definition of discrimination based on state and federal laws.
  • After learning about it, the employer or management took no action to address or resolve the issue.
  • The filing party has enough evidence to support the claim.
  • There are repercussions, such as impeded employee performance and other adverse consequences.
  • The factors contributing to the hostility are repetitive or occur over an extended duration.

If the claim does not meet these conditions, the filing party could seek other options, such as undergoing the organization’s internal resolution process.

Fixing a hostile work environment is a priority

No amount of engagement initiatives and incentives can force employees to put up with a hostile work environment. Failing to fix it can result in severe employee attrition and even legal action filed by victims of discriminatory misconduct.

As an employee, you have the right to report or file complaints concerning what contributes to workplace hostility. Then, your employer can conduct internal investigations and implement the necessary disciplinary actions. Immediate response can keep the organization legally compliant and protect employees from further hostility or discrimination.
