Considering that people spend about 35% of their lives at work, forming bonds with coworkers is expected. Spending so much time together can also cause attraction and feelings to develop. However, it’s not always mutual. When there is a power imbalance, such as in a...
Year: 2023
Are Nursing Homes Being Inspected Regularly In Missouri?
Long-term care facilities can be a sanctuary for the elderly and those needing specialized care. However, far too many of these homes haven’t been inspected recently to better ensure the well-being of their residents. Shockingly, a quarter of Missouri's nursing homes...
What creates a hostile work environment based on race?
Most of us spend time during our workday talking with our co-workers to pass the time or get through the day. Sometimes we develop strong friendships with co-workers, while sometimes there are co-workers we do not get along with. This is a common part of nearly all...
The stereotypes about older workers and technology at work
Age discrimination, or ageism, is a prevalent issue in many industries. With rapid technological advancements, there is increasing emphasis on upskilling. Today, employers encourage workers to acquire and develop strong tech skills at work. Unfortunately, this puts...
Does verbal abuse count as sexual harassment in the workplace?
Words sometimes cut more profoundly than physical actions. Sexual harassment can take the form of a verbal attack in the workplace, creating a hostile and intimidating environment that can impact your productivity, performance and overall morale. Per Missouri’s...
2 common forms of same-sex sexual harassment in the workplace
Discussions of sexual harassment are often overly simplistic. People frequently think of sexual harassment as specifically involving someone in a position of authority abusing a subordinate at work. Oftentimes, people conjure images of quid pro quo harassment wherein...
Why is sepsis common in nursing homes?
Anyone with an infection can develop the life-threatening condition of sepsis. Given that the immune system weakens as people age, nursing home residents are more likely to contract an infection and increase their risk of sepsis as a result. Without immediate...
Can those dealing with sexual harassment use phones to get proof?
Sexual harassment can leave someone feeling unsafe on the job and at risk of demotions or terminations intended as retaliation rather than as a reflection of someone's job performance or professional prowess. Unfortunately, sexual harassment can be very difficult for...
How do bone fractures reveal nursing home abuse?
With age comes weaker bones that cannot withstand intense trauma. When an older adult’s bone takes on a force stronger than it could take, it breaks. A bone fracture is a medical expression for a broken bone, which may either be a partial or complete crack. But as...
Urinary tract infection as a warning sign of nursing home abuse
Senior citizens must combat numerous health hazards that come with age. Some of these risks are like culprits in the night – challenging to detect and unperceived by the naked eye. The fragile immune system of Missouri’s senior population makes them susceptible to...