handles many employment law cases here in the Kansas City area. Still, a recent one we’d like to highlight is a plaintiff employed as a Nutritional Care Specialist at Overland Park Regional Medical Center. She claimed three male co-workers...
Employment Law
Pregnant women should know their rights at work
Pregnancy is usually a wonderful time in a woman’s life; however, some may wonder how the pregnancy will impact their career. This isn’t always something easy to face, but all women should know that they have specific rights under federal law. Federal rights...
Is your employer holding your genetics against you?
Discrimination in the workplace can take many forms. Some are instantly obvious, while others are not. One type of unlawful mistreatment that often flies under the radar is genetic discrimination. Under the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008, it...
What are microaggressions?
Many actions that create a hostile work environment or lead to allegations of harassment on the job are fairly overt. If someone makes direct and derogatory comments about you based on something like your race or your sexual identity, it’s clear that they’re violating...
Can you discuss wages with coworkers?
It's not uncommon for coworkers to avoid discussing wages. Unfortunately, this has contributed to some people unknowingly spending years in a workplace where they are paid less than their colleagues. You may have heard of employees losing their jobs for discussing...
When can a firing be considered wrongful termination?
Job loss can quickly lead to personal hardship. It can prove quite challenging to find a new job that offers competitive pay with little advance notice. Most people prefer to have new employment lined up before they leave their current positions. An unexpected...
Can you report sexual harassment when it occurs outside of work?
Many workplaces provide plenty of opportunities for after-work socialization among employees. It may even be strongly encouraged. If the boss offers to take everyone out for drinks after a particularly stressful week, employees often feel compelled to participate. As...
Common types of workplace harassment
Workplace harassment can significantly impact employees' well-being and productivity. In Missouri, as in many other states, workplace harassment is illegal under both state and federal laws. Understanding the common types of harassment can help employees recognize...
Sexual “jokes” can still be workplace harassment
When a coworker makes sexual comments in the workplace, it could be a form of discrimination or harassment. For instance, it may create a hostile work environment if employees feel like they are always being belittled or attacked due to their gender, sexual...
What is indirect workplace discrimination?
Employers are not allowed to discriminate against their employees based on the employees’ protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion or disability. That does not mean they don’t. Some are direct about it - for instance, they discard any applications...