If drivers in Missouri ever wondered how they compare to drivers of other states, in terms of which state has the best drivers, a new study provides them with an answer. But, sadly, it's an answer that drivers from Missouri may not like.Based on statistics, the new...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Recent Studies Examine the Effectiveness of Graduated License Programs
A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at the effects of state graduated licensing programs on the amount of car accidents that involve teenagers around the country. As a state that has an established graduated license...
Road-Side Accident Rate Reveals Highway Design Problem
Three soldiers with the Missouri National Guard were involved in a midday car accident recently that killed Private First Class Jordan House, of Independence, Missouri.The two-vehicle crash occurred just before 1 p.m. when Jordan and two other soldiers were driving...
Motorcycle Awareness: Help Prevent Missouri Bike Crashes
Just about every worthy cause, and even some more mundane issues, have days, weeks or months dedicated to them. Motorcycle Awareness Month this May, however, is particularly important because the riding season is in full swing again. Car and truck drivers in Kansas...
Missouri House Passes Bill Against Texting While Driving
The Missouri House recently approved a bill that would ban texting for nearly all drivers. Currently, texting while driving is only banned for drivers 21 and younger. The bill has moved to the Missouri Senate.The proposed law would allow drivers to use...
Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Aren’t You Already Aware?
As Distracted Driving Awareness Month winds down, one must wonder whether such an awareness campaign can really save lives in the Kansas City Area. Just weeks ago, a twenty-something in Central Missouri fumbled with her cell phone as she drove head-on into another...
School Bus Hit-and-Run Leaves 4 Children Injured in Kansas City
In a horrifying situation last week, four Kansas-City schoolchildren were the victims of a hit-and-run while they rode to school on a bus. According to police reports, the bus was travelling through an intersection when a SUV ran a red light and crashed into the side...
I-70, I-35, I-435 Pileups Cause 140 Motor Vehicle Accidents
Winter White-Out Storm in Kansas City Leaves Dozens InjuredYesterday, a winter storm caused three pileups endangering hundreds of people in the Kansas City Area. Lenexa was the site of a 30-car pileup Sunday as a storm blinded drivers on I-35. On I-435 in Kansas City,...
New Study Shows Dramatic Spike in Fatal Drunk Driving Accidents
If your New Year's plans involve driving around the Kansas City Area, please exercise special caution. A report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that 80 people die each New Year's holiday in drunk driving accidents. Your chances of being killed by a...
Study Shows Rise of Drug Use by Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes
Nearly one in five drivers that die in fatal auto accidents has detectable drugs in their system, according to data released today by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).This number shows a significant increase in the drug use of motorists...